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Selectmen's Minutes March 27, 2006
March 27, 2006

PRESENT:  Selectmen William Roach, Richard Leone, Emma Smith and Frederick Gallup.  Town Manager, Donna Nashawaty.

ABSENT:  Selectman Stephen White.

OTHERS:  Howard Sargent, Eric Daignault, Dan Ruggles, David Cahill, Melissa Heino, Gene Hall, Charles Smith, Barbara Hollander, Bruce Burdette, Catherine Bushueff, Rick Mastin, Tony Bergeron, Robert Choiniere,  Rebecca Boucher, Alice Choiniere, Karen Boucher, Adam & Ella Boucher, Larry Brudnicki, William Wightman, John Mapley and Charles Smith.

The meeting was called to order by Chairman William Roach at 7 PM.


Motion was made by Frederick Gallup to defer this item until all Selectmen can be present.  The motion was seconded by Emma Smith.   The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.


A.  Highway Agent – Truck Purchase

Tony Bergeron was present to ask the Selectmen’s approval to purchase a used truck from Federal Surplus.  The truck is a 1993 Ford F350 with a rack side and was used for marine patrol.  The truck has very little mileage and is in excellent condition.  T. Bergeron would like to purchase this truck for transportation for the new buildings maintenance position.  It can also be used on the weekends by the personnel at the transfer station.  He would like to pay for the truck out of the Highway Used Equipment Expendable Trust Fund.  The fund now contains $11,000 and the cost of the truck is $5,400.  Fred Gallup stated that he had no problem with increasing the fleet, but did question the need for the truck.  Motion was made by Richard Leone to approve the purchase of the truck with using funds out of the Highway Used Equipment Expendable Trust Fund.  The motion was seconded by William Roach.  The vote was three in favor with one abstaining.  The motion carried.

Board of Selectmen
March 27, 2006

B.  Appointment of New Officer

Police Chief David Cahill introduced Chris Boucher, along with his family.  Chris Boucher has been hired as a full time police officer for the Town of Sunapee.  Deputy Town Clerk, Melissa Heino took C. Boucher’s oath.  Melissa Heino, Town Manager Donna Nashawaty, and the Board of Selectmen welcomed C. Boucher to Sunapee.

C.  Work Session with Buildings Committee

Present were Barbara Hollander, Larry Brudnicki, Rick Mastin, Emma Smith and William Wightman.   Frederick Gallup explained that the Selectmen requested the meeting to redirect the Buildings Committee to the next phase of the town’s infrastructure.  Donna Nashawaty stated that the committee was very active with the Safety Services building and the Selectmen were appreciative.  She stated that the committee now has to get active again and address items such as what to do with the old Town Hall, renovations to the Town Office and the possible construction of a new library.  D. Nashawaty stated she would like to see Selectman Emma Smith sit in as an ad-hoc member.  Therefore, the committee would consist of five people plus Emma Smith, as Selectmen’s representative.  This would insure for most times that a quorum was present.  Rick Mastin stated that he wished to submit his resignation from the committee as he has other commitments.  This creates two vacancies on the committee.  D. Nashawaty distributed copies to the members of the Role Definition for the committee plus other information on the activity of the committee in the past.  A copy of this is attached to the file copy of the minutes.  William Wightman stated that the committee would recommend to the Board of Selectmen and to the public on what they felt needed to be accomplished.  D. Nashawaty stated that she would like to see an annual report of recommendations to the Board of Selectmen.  Discussion was held on the fact that the Master Plan is being revised.  Barbara Hollander stated that the Buildings Committee should be concerned with the Master Plan and CIP to provide for the future.  Emma Smith thought it would be good for the Buildings Committee members to attend the Master Plan meetings.  D. Nashawaty stated that efforts need to be made to get candidates for the committee.   William Roach suggested that the committee speak with department heads to learn what their needs were.  W. Wightman stated that he is ready to go with meetings of the committee but will wait until two additional members are appointed.  D. Nashawaty stated that the Board will actively look for potential members.  Rick Mastin agreed to stay on the committee until the two vacancies are filled.     

D.  Bird Flu Update:  Chief Ruggles

Chief Dan Ruggles and Emergency Management Director, Howard Sargent, updated the Selectmen on the bird flu.  They explained that their departments are working closely with the Police Department in anticipation of a break out of the flu.  They are receiving
Board of Selectmen
March 27, 2006

supplies under New London Hospital protocol for shots if needed.  They are concerned with the money issues.  Emergency Management only receives an annual budget of $200.  Emma Smith wondered if the Town had funding available for an emergency such as this should the flu be found in Sunapee.  Fred Gallup stated that the Town did not, but would deal with it if it became necessary.  Rick Mastin suggested that they get in touch with the State for a good price for vaccines.  Chief Ruggles and Howard Sargent will come back to the Board periodically to give them updates.  

E.  Eric Daignault

Eric Daignault was present to speak with the Selectmen.  He stated that he had requested a meeting with the Board, both verbally and in writing and wondered when that might happen.  The Selectmen agreed to meet with Eric Daignault at their April 24 meeting at 7 PM.


Please see agenda attached to file copy of minutes.


A.  Meeting with Pat Remick

Donna Nashawaty reported that she had received a reply from Pat Remick and she will attend the Selectmen’s meeting on April 10, 2005.  Discussion was held on inviting Representative Gale and Senator Robert Odell.

B.  Sunday News Article

William Roach raised the issue of an article that appeared in the Sunday Eagle Times.  The article quoted Commissioner Cloutier as being upset with Sunapee officials because they turned down an offer to meet with the County Commissioners.  W. Roach explained that the Board did turn down the offer of a meeting because they felt it was a waste of time as the County itself cannot do anything about how towns are charged with county tax.  Gene Hall stated his support of the efforts of the Sunapee Selectmen and Town Manager.  He feels that the Selectmen and Manager are taking too much heat and suggested that they try to get the community educated and involved in the apportion of county tax.  John Mapley asked what went wrong and why did the Selectmen not get along with Rep. Gale.  He suggested that the Board try to mend the relationship and invite Rep. Gale to another meeting.  W. Roach responded that this just wouldn’t work and that Rep. Gale just doesn’t seem to know where the Board is coming from.  W. Roach stated that a lot of questions can be answered when Pat Remick attends the Board

Board of Selectmen
March 27, 2006

meeting on April 10.  Gene Hall stated that the Rep. needs to hear that people are not happy with what he is doing and that this should be addressed at the Summer Town Meeting.   Bruce Burdette also stated his support for the Selectmen and Manager.  Discussion was held on putting an article in the Kearsarge Shopper.  D. Nashawaty suggested that a mailing be done.  It was agreed that a letter will be sent to the towns of New London, Grantham and Washington inviting them to sit in on the meeting with Pat Remick.  Also Representative Gale and Senator Odell will be invited.

C.  Ethics Meeting

D. Nashawaty informed the Board that she will be holding her annual Ethics Meeting with all new volunteers and employees of the town.  The meeting is scheduled for May 25 at 10 AM at the Town Hall.

D.  Manager Update to the Board

D. Nashawaty informed the Board that meetings will be held to discuss and better the town’s web site.  These will be held every 6 months.

D. Nashawaty informed the Board that the Mt. Kearsarge lease will be ready for signature at the next meeting.

D. Nashawaty informed the Board that work has begun on the dock at the harbor.

D. Nashawaty informed the Board that she has not received a reply from Rep. Gale regarding their letter of two weeks ago.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 AM.

Submitted by, Darlene Morse                             Approved_____________________

_______________________________         _____________________________
William Roach, Chairman                         Emma Smith, Vice Chairman

_______________________________         _____________________________
Richard Leone                                           Frederick Gallup

Stephen W. White